Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The American Conservative and Anti-War

The American Conservative
For this week's post, I explored two websites - and The American Conservative. Both websites are news sites, and both largely portray a conservative point of view of America and what should be done about the issues that face this country. AntiWar is a website whose slogan is "Your best source for antiwar news, viewpoints, and activities." The website focuses on world news as a whole, not just what happens in America. It does have news articles that have United States news, but they are very heavily focused on global news. You can even search for news by country on the site. The American Conservative, however, only deals with United States news, if you couldn't tell by the name of the website.

I did find it rather difficult and confusing to navigate the Antiwar website, as all the links to articles were the entire headline, and there would be multiple headlines smushed into each other. This makes the homepage look like one giant block of text with a few images interspersed here and there. The American Conservative, however, was very easy to navigate. Everything was nicely organized and each news article had a picture with it and was in its own little box. They advertise themselves much more elaborately and give a better statement about themselves than AntiWar does. "The American Conservative exists to promote a “Main Street” conservatism that opposes unchecked power in government and business; promotes the flourishing of families and communities through vibrant markets and free people; and embraces realism and restraint in foreign affairs based on America’s vital national interests."

If I were to pick one of these sites to get my news from, I would pick The American Conservative because they present their information in a more professional manner that it seems AntiWar does. AntiWar also sounds like more of an extremist group than The American Conservative does.

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