Friday, December 6, 2019

My Own Online Presence

I have a very minimal footprint online. I googled myself to see if either my Twitter or Instagram profiles came up in the results, and after several minutes of combing through the many, many pages of search results, I was unable to fine my profiles. I assume this is because I have them set to private mode, so none of my information is publicly available. It also means that I have to approve someone to follow me; I don't let any random Billy Bob follow me. In addition to this, I don't have a personal website, so that's even less of an online footprint that I have. When I searched for just my name, the first result was a musician who shares my name, whom I will admit I have never heard of or have ever heard his music. You can read more about him on his website.

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As I mentioned earlier, I only have accounts on Twitter and Instagram, and they are both private. Both are also linked in the "About Me" section on my homepage. I don't really post that often on Twitter, if ever. I mainly use it to keep myself updated with news about things I am interested in, such as Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, and other things. I also like to scroll through my feed and find funny posts people have tweeted, and it's a nice way for me to wind down at the end of the day. I post regularly on Instagram, with one to two posts a month. I mainly post pictures of what I'm doing with friends and family. For example, my most recent post is of my family and I together for Thanksgiving, and the post before that was of when I went to visit my friend in Chicago over fall break. As with Twitter, I use Instagram to keep myself updated on the things I'm interested in.

If someone who had never seen my social media before stumbled upon my accounts, they would be able to see that I am a big movie fan. I am deeply invested into the Marvel movies, as well as Disney and Star Wars. I am always checking to see what new developments are taking place with them. They would also be able to tell that I love spending time with my family friends. Most of my posts on Instagram are of my family and friends, but there are also a couple pictures of sunsets I've taken and other things like that. I really enjoy using the social media outlets I have, in part because they also give me a way to easily share things with my friends.

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